Sunday, 2 December 2007

Driving Miss Blakey

Axl, a friend in real life, and who has a blog, considered that I was probably:

"a massive pussy around his girlfriend's parents and has more manners than a manner-tee"

Well, yeah, I am very disciplined when I go round to her parents house. I don't swear, I eat all my dinner, and say thank you loads, because I am decent. However, I do think they know that there is a monster inside of me, capable of committing wild, drunken crimes, and less wild, shameful indignities. I do my best to keep those suspicions on the low low, and I don't drive, so they don't need to worry about me wrapping their daughters face round a vintage oak tree.

Not driving is where I win though. Not being able to drive forces me into the subservient role of a crippled child, cause I need picking up and that. So, any latent threat I pose is nipped in the bud, and I am perceived as some sort of loveable, helpless scamp.

I could be seriously wrong though. My lack of automobile skills could just be seen as complete laziness, and they might think that I force Staz to drive me around all over the place, by shouting and roaring and beating my hairy chest, and am just an evil walk-shy tramp.

Dunnah mate? I'll have to ask them.


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